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1.The advanced ingot treat and annealing machine

The ingot melting device and the annealing machine make sure the first level quality of aluminum.

aluminum sheet factory
aluminum plate factory
aluminum process factory

2.The Hot mill and the cold mill equipment

The high level hot mill and cold mill equipment gurranty the possible thickness as request.

aluminum coil factory
aluminum cold mill factory
aluminum cold milling

3.The high-level lab and high-tech support the new generation aluminum

High level lab and high tach support

aluminum plate research develop
aluminum coil research develop
aluminum foil research develop
aluminum high pressure machine
aluminum checker plate supplier manufacturer
aluminum checker plate supplier

4.Service- aluminum sheet export

aluminum plate delivery

aluminum sheet manufacturers
aluminum sheet manufacturer
aluminum sheet exporter
aluminum sheet supplier
aluminum sheet exporters
aluminum sheet suppliers

5.Service- aluminum coil export

aluminum coil delivery

aluminum coil container load
aluminum coil packing
aluminum coil delivery
aluminum container fasten
aluminum coil exporter
china aluminum exporter

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